I just don't see how months and months go by in between my blogs. :) Winter, Christmas, Kingston and Jason's birthday has all passed since my last post. Since it's been almost a year let me catch the blog world up on what's been going on with us...
Christmas this year was so much fun as the kids were old enough to enjoy sledding in the snow, putting out cookies for Santa, baking a birthday cake for Jesus, and loving every gift that they opened. Jason and I only buy three gifts each for the kids to represent the three wise men and their gifts but they open up many more from friends and family and thinks it's the best thing ever. This was our Christmas card.
Another big "first" for us this Christmas was that both the kids were in the church Christmas program. They did such a good job. I was one proud mama!! And to this day, we still get to sing the songs in the car...since Jingle Bells is now Callie's favorite song. :)
Can you see Callie in the center behind the blonde little girl with the black and blue dress on? Kingston is right behind Callie. |
We also adopted two French bulldogs, Oscar and Lola. They are the sweetest dogs and are so good with the kids. Oscar is 10 and Lola is 5 so they are some old lazy dogs...and that's what we like. The kids love to hug on them and play with them. Lola loves to play fetch and will bring back the toy so the kids have a good time doing that with her. She will fetch about 10 times and then she's done for...so perfect for the attention span of a toddler...LOL!
Oscar |
Lola |
Lola and Oscar |
Kingston celebrated his 4th birthday in February. I cannot believe that he is four already. He is growing into such a sweet young man. He had a construction themed birthday party and had five of his friends over for his first "no-parents" party...well besides me and another mom. They had a great time decorating construction hats, taking pictures in the bulldozer cut out and playing 'construction' with his friends. I made the cake and the decorations and enjoyed every minute of it. :) Yes, it takes a lot of time but it's so worth it. One day they will look back and appreciate the effort we put into making their day special. As always on his actual birthday Daddy took him to the Children's Museum and then we all went to Chuck E Cheese for dinner and games. He had a lot of fun!
Our 4 year old |
Kingston and his buddies |
Kingston also finished up his first year of preschool at Messiah Lutheran. He loves it there and asks everyday when he gets to go back. He learned so much and his teacher Mrs. Amato was so wonderful. I am excited for him to start back up in August for his second and LAST year of preschool...and then I will have a kindergartner..AHHHH! Not only is he doing well with his learning as he is now writing his name and his sister's name, he can understand the sounds of letters, can count to 40, and knows all his shapes, he loves to play with legos, cars, trains, puzzles, MY IPHONE, and anything that resembles a sword. He definitely is all boy and will turn into a Power Ranger at any moment and fight you, "the Nylock". This summer he began riding his bike with training wheels which is so nice now that I don't have to stand behind him and push...LOL. Jason finally gave in and cut his hair...thank goodness!! He has been and is still rockin a way cool Mohawk. :)
The birthday boys |
His classmates at preschool |

Miss Callie is growing into such a sweet, stubborn young lady. She is now 2 1/2 and is very independent. She is potty trained now (well except for going poo...she is scared to go in the toilet and asks for a pull up so she can go). She will also start preschool in August as well. She will be in the 2s class because of her late August birthday. She is turning into a little girl right before my eyes. She loves her baby dolls and playing tea. She loves putting on my makeup and getting her nails painted. I can't wait to have spa days with her when she is older. Her imagination is great. She plays 'mommy' and 'kid' all the time. She loves to sing and dance. Her favorite stories are The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. She goes around and sings "who's afraid of the big bad wolf" all of the time. Both her and Kingston took gymnastics for a couple of sessions, and she is a great little gymnasts. She loves to do flips and swing on things...LOL. She will be 3 in August, and we plan to have a Minnie Mouse themed party. Of course, I've already began planning and making the invitations...hey you can never start too soon. :)
Mother's Day |
Future gymnast |
This summer is a busy one for the Thompsons. We have a lot of traveling going on...a few trips to Evansville, a few trips to Michigan, family reunion in Ohio and then in September we are going to DISNEY WORLD!!! The kids are super excited and so am I. Jason is staying busy as well. He is still at American Funds but started a landscaping business a few months back. He is hoping to pick up a few commercial jobs and either go part time or quit all together. Check out his website
www.patriotlandscapingllc.com. I have been at my job now for about 1 1/2 years. It is still going really well, and I am very fortunate to have such a flexible job. I am able to work from home two days a week during the school year so that I can take the kids to preschool. Things are going really well and we are very blessed!
Easter 2013 |
Until next time...