I know I said it last post but man time sure does fly. 2011 has been a blessed year for us so far. The kids are growing like weeds! Kingston is almost 2 1/2. He is so amazing! It seems like every day he tells me something new that he has learned. He had a great 2nd birthday. No blizzard this year. :) We had a Michigan football themed party. Jason made his cake in the shape of a football on a football field. It was a great party. He still loves Thomas and Sprout but his new obsession is Dora, Diego, and Toy Story 3. He yells "movie time" and we know it's time to watch Toy Story. He watches it every night...literally! He switched sitters in April. We were sad to leave Dana's but she started taking daytime classes so she was no longer able to watch them. Kingston and Callie now go to a lady that lives in the neighborhood behind us so that is nice! Kingston is a smart little guy...if I do say so myself. :) He knows his alphabet. He can say it and recognize all the letters. He can count to 20. He can spell his name. He knows colors and shapes. He loves to color and blow bubbles. He sings all kinds of songs. HIs favorites are the B-I-B-L-E song, Jesus loves me and the Wheels on the bus. And my favorite...he can recite a couple bible verses. He is also an amazing "big" brother! He loves Callie and you can tell how much Callie loves him. It's so sweet watching them two.
Callie may be the younger sibling, but before long she is going to be bigger than Kingston. She is definitely my "healthy" eater. It is like night and day between the two. Callie is 10 months old and is into everything. She started crawling at 9 months and has been on the move ever since. She thinks she can walk and will try to "walk" to wherever...she gets frustrated because she obviously falls so I have a feeling it won't be long. I love, love, love having a little girl! She is just so sweet. She waves bye-bye, says da-da, sometimes ma-ma, and can sign "more". We transitioned her from breastfeeding at 7 months to formula. She did well with the transition and is eating table food now also. Callie's eyes lights up when Kingston comes in the room. She loves to play with him...however Kingston has a problem with sharing so it sometimes causes some fight...the first of many I'm sure!
Jason and I are doing well. I'm finished with the Transition to teaching program and Jason will be applying for law school in the next few months. Prayers for our changes in career paths would be greatly appreciated!