Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kingston dancing

Kingston's fascination is with Dora and Diego these days. Episodes of Dora are available on our On Demand. Well before each episode, a video of the Fresh Beat Band plays. Kingston LOVES it and will dance and sing during the entire thing. Here he is singing as much as he usually does, but he was getting into it! :)

Callie is 1

Callie turned the big "1" on August 30th! I can't believe how time goes by so quickly. Just a year ago, I was on bed rest and doing everything possible to keep her inside of me. This past year has been such a joy for Jason and I. It is bittersweet for me knowing that this will be the "last" 1st birthday we will be celebrating. I really enjoyed planning for Sis's birthday. We did a ladybug theme and it was ladybug mania from the decorations to her ladybug dress, bathing suit, and hair bow. :) Jason did a fabulous job on the cake, as always. Callie is so blessed to have spent her birthday with so many wonderful family and friends. Kingston enjoyed it too. He still is singing happy birthday to her!

Callie is walking now....not the most steady of walks, but walking none the less. She will hold up her index finger when you ask her if she is 1. She says mama, dada, and a few other unrecognizable words. She LOVES to dance. As soon as any music comes on, she is wiggling her arms and jumping up and down. She is such a joy! She also is already getting a little sassy attitude and is somewhat over dramatic....already!!! If you tell her NO or don't let her have something, she goes into a hysteric "cry". And then stops seconds later like nothing was ever wrong...dramatic! :)

Her 1 yr well child visit went well. She was 41% for her weight (19lb 4oz) and 25% for her height (28.5 in)...and of course following Thompson suit....88% for her head. Dang, I have some SMART kids! :)